Lova Ekasi
Audience: 5.7K
Engagement: 2
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About me

In Kwaito Zone Facebook Group where I am group Admin, our goal is to promote the history and culture of kwaito music genre. This community of over 381k members share and exchange information of kwaito musicians and artists through posting current and historical images, videos and biographs. Since joining in 2018 the group continue to grow. We at Lova Ekasi have since worked in collaboration with other Admin members including Sbusiso Mabaso, Nkosana Jele and Simon Ace, to build Kwaito Zone Facebook group.

Our aim is to promote Kwaito music, culture and history on social media, to preserve its heritage for public use and future generations of South Africa. Our goal is to be the best content promoters of South African Kwaito music genre, and increase our impact across South African nabouring countries.

In the process of content development, our marketing approach is project based, which provide us with an opportunity to collaborate with our clients to develop new Facebook Ads to benefit both our clients and audiance.

The Lova Ekasi is based in Soweto, Chiawelo Municipality. The company was started by Nhlanhla Kopela, an artist, trained in Heritage Managemet NQF4 and Heritage Advocacy Campaigns NQF5. The project founder have interest of entrepreneurships and self-employed individual. The founder is above the age of 40 years and moreover, have undergone different social, economic, political and cultural experiences hence they have acquired some technical skills, experience and knowledge.
Joined Jul 2023
South Africa
Micro Influencer
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