Taking your brand to public spaces and telling your brand's unique story..!

The current project proposal focus on implementing the Photo-Shoot Road-Show for Kwaito Zone Facebook Group members and the public. The road-show Themed "Kwaito or Nothing", aims to invite 100 people to take photos with popular kwaito musicians. The purpose is to promote Kwaito Zone brand and the Kwaito music genre.

Our goal is to position our brand as the face of kwaito music, to attract more followers including musicians, artists and writters.

For the purpose of brand development, we  also plan to collaborate with popular Kwaito musician and dancer, Jairus Nkwe, proffessionally known as Jakarumba, to engage the public at shopping mall through a free photoshoot session. Through the popular musician, we plan to produce campaign messages and promotional ads and soundtrack.

We plan to promote the road-show through video and photo ads, kwaito musician, influencer outreach, soundtrack, paid advertising and socia media..

We plan to assemble a 4 square meter indoor branding installations at public shopping malls, and invite 100 people to take photos with a popular influencer.

The photos will be distributed through mobile phones and through scanned copies. The particpants will also be asked to take 30 seconds videos to greet and thank sponsors, the influencer and Kwaito Zone Facebook family.

The roadshow is planned to run once a month for a period of 10 months, with some of the targeted public shopping malls across Gauteng province includes, Maponya Mall, Diepkloof Mall, Jabulani Mall, Protea Glen Mall, Alexandre Mall, Pretoria Mall, SouthGate Mall, Dopsonville Mall, Protea Gardens Mall and Eldorado Park Mall.

Action Plan
Pjase One:
*Consultation with client
* Consult with musician Jairus Nkwe
*Develop branding installations
*Develop promotional messages, images, soundtrack and videos.

Phase Two:
*Advertised: Facebook Page, YouTube and X.
*Launch the roadshow
*Produce roadshow images, video trailer and
behind the scene video clips.

Phase Three:
*Publish content in Kwaito Zone Facebook Group for engagements.
* Promote on Lova Ekasi Facebook Page, YouTube and X.
* Evaluation and reporting on weekly and montly basis
Targeted market
Membership is over 380K with 23% Females and 77% males, of avarage age between 24 years and 44 years. We cover major cities including Durban, Capetown, Gaborone (Botswana), Johannesburg, Pretoria, Maseru (Lesotho), Port Elizabeth, Pietermarizburg and Bloemfontein..

We would like to run a series of ads on Facebook to promote our clients products and services. The monthly group posts are 5.6K, comments 87K and 632K reactions. With these projections we target the participation of 100 people per photoshoot and expect to gain exposuer of 10K new audiances per month, at a cost of $3,500.

In orde to successfully implement the project, we need resources including Branding instalations, Space, Photo and film production, influencer, musicians, Graphic designer, Transportation, Marketing, Project manager, Assistance crew, Project admin 10%, Project manager.

Client's Benfits
1. Content for 140 Ads on Facebook posts, reels and messaging per month.
2. 100 branded photos
3. 100 videos mentions
4. Branding on video ads, posters and artwork
5. Tag client on X promotions
6. Sell client's services or products
7. Branding on YouTube videos
8. Branding on Facebook ads
9. Branding on soundtrack Art cover
10. Collaborate with Lova Ekasi
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