I will post about your brand in the most cutest and aesthetic way on my TikTok and Instagram.


I am Rachel Nezipho... a very energetic girl who likes doing a lot of things because she simply cannot focus on one thing. Some call it "multifaceted" I guess haha. I refused to be confined to one thing.

I am very passionate about Accounting and Finance and I love sharing mainly education content mostly to aspire others and to share my journey. I am so invested in Fashion content (oh I love styling clothes), going out, restaurants, art galleries, activities, looking good and posting about it. 
Having recently joined the gym, I can say Fitness is also one of the things I have started loving to post about recently. So all things good eating, gym clothes and fits, workouts for cute and strong girls, you name it I do it all. 

I have other amazing talents such as being a Hairdresser and I have shared this talent with my followers who seem to have loved it so much. I also do some art and many DIY stuff... on top of all this, I am very funny!!! 

Now head straight to my social media platforms to get a glimpse of what I am talking about, will you?

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rachelmhlanga100?_t=8qpmxCb8QU9&_r=1
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rachel_mhlanga100/profilecard/?igsh=ZHI3ZHhjNnpzNnFw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rachel.mhlanga.73?mibextid=LQQJ4d
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